Louisville welcomes city action


On behalf of the city of Louisville and its residents, we are pleased to welcome Toledo as a compassionate city (“‘A wish for a better world’: Greater Toledo and Northwest Ohio becomes a ‘compassionate community,’” April 19). We in Louisville are committed to learn together with you as we work to build a more compassionate world.

On Nov. 11, 2011, Louisville became the seventh city in the world to affirm the Charter for Compassion. Soon thereafter, Compassionate Louisville was formed to lead and support a 10-year campaign to fulfill that commitment. The mission of Compassionate Louisville is to nurture and champion the growth of compassion.

By becoming a compassionate city, our city, like yours, is not declaring that our individual and collective work is finished. We know our city has more than its share of pain and suffering.

But we know, as you do, that compassion is often the cure to what ails us. We are thankful that Toledo is giving us this opportunity to share what we have learned with you. This opportunity helps us grow in compassion.

We have one signature project we are sharing with cities around the United States. With the support of the United Way, our city is engaged in a “Give A Day” week of service. Last year, our community produced more than 107,000 acts of compassion.

This effort is not about accolades. It is about learning and growing our collective wills to create kinder, more-connected communities, and a better world where we submit to the authority of compassion and experience the joy that comes from compassionate living.

We look forward to learning from Toledo in our collective mission. Our dream is that together we can live up to the dream of being a compassionate city. We are grateful that you have joined us in this commitment.



City of Louisville



Compassionate Louisville


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Chinese pollution affects the world

Your April 2 editorial “China syndrome” says: “If China doesn’t control its air-pollution problem soon, the toll on its people will be high.” That’s true, but it isn’t only the Chinese who suffer. Its air pollution negatively affects our weather, a Texas A&M University study says.

That shouldn’t be surprising. You can’t contaminate one part of a swimming pool without affecting the whole pool.




Tax credits, cuts create jobs

It’s difficult to understand the disconnection some people and media outlets make about tax cuts and the creation of jobs. You published a story on April 1 with the headline “Ohio tax credits spur new jobs.” The Blade has opposed tax cuts and backed some tax hikes.

Tax credits and tax cuts for rich companies and individuals help to create jobs.


Dorr Street