Clintons are all about the money


Columnist Maureen Dowd exposed Chelsea Clinton and her money-grubbing parents (“Chelsea Clinton shows money-grabbing is all in the family,” op-ed column, July 18).

Ms. Dowd eloquently writes what many Americans have sadly come to realize: In our money-run political system, both parties have forgotten the voter.


Ottawa Lake, Mich.


Click here to submit a letter to the editor.


Once-feral cats aid neighborhood

Seniors who live in an apartment complex near the Toledo/​Oregon border had problems with three feral cats that were reproducing, defecating in gardens, and killing songbirds (“Animal advocates decry law about feeding strays,” July 23). Humane Ohio neutered and spayed the adult animals, while the Toledo Area Humane Society collected the kittens from the latest litter and made them available for adoption.

The adult cats, which were vaccinated and medically treated, were returned to our neighborhood. They chase away other strays, and no longer prey on other wildlife.

Several residents feed these cats. We appreciate the organizations that helped control our feral cat population.


Seaman Street