Sorry for the Ted Nugent invitation


After hearing from the Toledo branch of the NAACP and the Toledo Community Coalition, and reading letters to the editor in opposition to the Blade-sponsored appearance in Toledo of music star Ted Nugent, I decided to go online to find out more about this performer.

I did this because in fact I knew nothing about Mr. Nugent’s music, his political views, his history, or otherwise. What I learned did not, in my opinion, confirm him to be a racist — he seems to have animus for many different groups equally.

I am sorry The Blade invited him, but Mr. Nugent has appeared twice in Toledo in recent years without causing controversy. Although I will not support inviting him again, in my judgment the very high standard for uninviting him was not met in this case.

I also want to say that calling President Obama a “subhuman mongrel” does not make Ted Nugent a racist, as this kind of personal name-calling against a president of the United States is part of a long tradition of political slander that goes back to the founding of the Republic. Abraham Lincoln was called a baboon.


Chairman Block Communications Inc. Toledo