Water woes fault of GOP mind-set


Farm phosphates, global warming, and an antiquated water system combined to create the perfect storm for Toledo’s water crisis. Local officials can’t control farming practices in Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana, or the weather. But they are expected to maintain safe water-treatment plants.

Republican Gov. John Kasich recently signed a bill that will virtually destroy Ohio’s renewable energy initiatives, thereby promoting pollution by coal and nuclear power. His halfhearted response to the phosphorous problem is voluntary, doesn’t start until 2017, and only certifies farmers who sign up.

Can we really trust the Republican Party to solve our water problems? The GOP believes that if the marketplace has its way, everything will be fine.

If voters don’t show up in November, $15 a case for bottled water will seem like a bargain.

Curtice, Ohio

We’re to blame, and the solution
We managed to make the gift of the Great Lakes toxic, and we blame it on a lack of rain. It’s time to see what part all of us play in making Lake Erie toxic.

We can’t continue to blame farmers. The blame is on all of us, with the toxic cleaning products we use, our obsession with the perfect lawn, removal of wetlands, and industry built along Maumee Bay. We have bitten the hand that feeds us.

As much as we are all part of the problem, we are part of the solution. It’s time for the Toledo community to become a beacon for being stewards of natural resources.

Do we want national media to report about our toxic waters, or how we came together as a community to restore our natural resources?

Sylvania Township


More oversight on pollution needed
This crisis shows why government oversight is essential.

I’d rather pay taxes than worry about having water to drink. How could this crisis happen, except for cutbacks that have led to reductions in inspections and testing, and leaving major polluters unchecked?

What is it going to take for people to demand that major industries be held to environmental standards that ensure safe resources for all of us?

Rudolph, Ohio


Water crisis offers lesson for future
I hope that everyone has learned from the water crisis. Common sense dictates that knowing that this or any other unexpected crisis could occur again, a responsible person would be prepared the next time.

People should buy a gallon jug of water each week or two. It’s great to know that we can rely on government to rescue us. But we should be more responsible on our own when possible.

Fleming Drive