To the editor: The stable genius effect


"Was Dunning-Kruger a part of the health check for our 'stable genius'?" asks a letter writer.

Did anyone else notice the delicious irony between the Jan.22 editorial page cartoon (“The President is in good health”) “and the fourth Peach Page Trivia Challenge question?

“In the field of psychology, what is the Dunning-Kruger effect?” Answer: “The principle that the more limited a person’s knowledge is, the smarter or more talented they imagine themselves to be.”

Was Dunning-Kruger a part of the health check for our “stable genius”?

Carrietowne Lane

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What happened to qualifications?

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

A bond of $10,000 a year to secure for the incoming treasurer is ludicrous. If Lindsay Webb had looked into her credit report before accepting the position of treasurer, none of this would have happened.

I suppose that if someone told me I was going to be earning $53,307 more than I was in my former job, I would think I died and went to heaven.

This job, or any other job in government, should not be dependent on your political party. Whatever happened to choosing the most qualified candidate? What are Ms. Webb’s credentials and educational background?

Keith Burris suggested in his Jan. 16 column (”When the cookie crumbles”) that somebody should look at David Mann, who heads the Lucas County Land Bank. Sounds like a great idea.

Copley Drive

Oddly defined great start

A Jan. 20 letter titled “President off to a great start” deserves comment.

Since taking office, President Trump and his administration have worked to enact a ban on Muslims, have severely limited the number of refugees who can enter the country, declared some members of neo-Nazi groups who rallied in Virginia to be “very fine,” and turned a blind eye to police brutality and racial profiling. The President has withdrawn us from the Paris Treaty on climate change, alienated our European allies over NATO, and profanely slandered our African and Latin American friends.

And this is a great start?

Erie, Michigan

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