Navy official identifies civilian who shot sailor at base; records show he is convicted felon


NORFOLK, Va. — A Navy official familiar with the investigation says the civilian who shot and killed a sailor aboard a guided-missile destroyer is a 35-year-old man who records show is a convicted felon.

The official identified the shooter as Jeffrey Tyrone Savage today. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to publicly speak about the case.

Savage was killed by Navy security forces aboard the USS Mahan after he disarmed the ship’s petty officer of the watch and used her gun to shoot Petty Officer 2nd Class Mark Mayo. Mayo was providing security at Naval Station Norfolk.

The Navy says Savage used a transportation credential to get on base, although he wasn’t supposed to be there the night of the shooting.

North Carolina records show Savage was convicted of voluntary manslaughter in 2008.