Sylvania City Council approves Harroun Rd. property rezoning

  • harroun-road-rezoning

    Rezoning has been requested on this property at 4840 Harroun Rd. in Sylvania to allow for business, office, and residential use.

    The Blade/Natalie Trusso Cafarello
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  • A Google Earth view shows where the property is for which the rezoning is being sought.
    A Google Earth view shows where the property is for which the rezoning is being sought.

    Sylvania City Council unanimously approved rezoning a Harroun Road property from single residential to modified business and office, allowing 10 Mile Development to build four rental units on it.

    Council unanimously approved the rezoning request made by 10 Mile Development, which owns the nearly one-acre property at 4840 Harroun Rd. The Sylvania-based company is owned by the Moan family. Jamie Moan attended the council meeting as well as the Zoning and Annexation Committee meeting Monday night. Mr. Moan is the son of Jim, the city’s special counsel who handles economic development.

    Plans for the property show the stone house on it would be renovated into a photography studio that Mr. Moan would operate, a detached garage would be redone to have a residence and a small business space, and four two-bedroom cottage houses would be constructed toward the rear of the property.

    Residents living near the property objected to the zone change request at the zoning committee meeting that was held before council met. Zoning members recommended the rezoning. 

    Lawrence Natho and William Reineck were concerned about water run-off from the parking lot contaminating neighbor’s water wells. The plans call for about 22 parking spaces, with some under an awning for resident vehicles.

    “I’ve had good water, I’ve been there since 1972. It has been good, and I have not had it treated. I’m afraid excavation around there would disturb the water table and maybe contaminate the water,” Mr. Reineck said.

    Joseph Shaw, deputy service director, said the development must be constructed with water runoff contained on-site.

    Residents had concern about privacy. Council said the rezoning passed contingent on proper screening be installed along areas that border residential lots.

    Rezoning has been requested on this property at 4840 Harroun Rd. in Sylvania to allow for business, office, and residential use.
    Rezoning has been requested on this property at 4840 Harroun Rd. in Sylvania to allow for business, office, and residential use.

    Both Mr. Natho and Mr. Reineck said they were concerned that their property values would be lowered due to the mini-development.

    Council member Sandy Husman said that the city welcomed an improvement on the site, as the structures are slightly worn down, and Mr. Moan's plans would upgrade both structures.

    “The way the property looks now it does not look good, and I am kind of excited about it looking better. When I look at it as it does now, if I was to go to your street and look out, I think that would lower my perspective about what I would want to pay for your property,” she said.

    The proposed cottage homes would be rented for $800 to $1,000 a month. Each would be about 1,000 square feet on 1½ levels, with a higher-pitched roof for a loft.

    The city planning commission approved the development on a 4-1 vote in February.

    Contact Natalie Trusso Cafarello at: 419-206-0356, or, or on Twitter @natalietrusso.