C-SPAN bus to make 
a stop downtown today


The C-SPAN bus will be in Toledo today, giving the public a chance to learn about the TV network’s 24-hour public affairs programming.

The 45-foot motor coach, a TV production studio and media-demonstration center, will be at Madison and 14th streets from noon until 1:30 p.m.

Buckeye CableSystem is sponsoring the visit.

“By sponsoring the C-SPAN Bus, Buckeye CableSystem provides a valuable service to our community,” said Keith Wilkowski, Buckeye vice president, business and legal affairs. “Through presentations and other events aboard the bus, students, educators, and community members can learn how C-SPAN’s unique public affairs programming can be used to enhance learning.”

Buckeye CableSystem and The Blade are both owned by Block Communications Inc.