4-H Camp Palmer’s pool drive at 40% of goal


FAYETTE, Ohio — A fund-raising drive to replace a 1950s-era pool at 4-H Camp Palmer has approached 40 percent of its goal with the award of a $10,000 grant from The Andersons Inc. Charitable Foundation.

The Friends of Camp Palmer have raised $4,800 for the project, and $2,200 was generated from summer drawings.

Friends of Camp Palmer is a nonprofit formed in March to support, maintain, and improve 4-H Camp Palmer.

The camp is accepting donations for the replacement of the pool, built in 1957 and is in need of updating. The goal is to replace the pool by summer, 2015. About 6,000 youth and adults use the facility each year.

Opened in 1947, 4-H Camp Palmer is a modern camping complex in woods next to Harrison State Park near Fayette. It is operated in conjunction with Ohio State University and Ohio State University Extension.

Information about the project is available at camppalmer.org or 419-237-2247.