To the editor: Know how to use a roundabout

A proposed roundabout in Sylvania at Silica and Monroe.
A proposed roundabout in Sylvania at Silica and Monroe.

I know that roundabouts are supposed to be safer and are designed to keep traffic moving smoothly. However, they don’t seem to be safe for my nerves.

I drive through the two-lane roundabout at Detroit Avenue and Berdan Avenue almost daily. Although this roundabout has been there for over three years, drivers still have not learned how to navigate it. I have nearly been hit by other vehicles on numerous occasions and I have seen several crashes, all of which leaves me highly stressed.

Driving through a multi-lane roundabout is not that complicated. The most important thing to remember is that the traffic already in the roundabout has the right of way, and when you approach the roundabout, you must yield to this traffic. This does not mean you should take a quick look at the traffic and then decide it’s your turn to enter the roundabout whenever you please. Yielding means that you cannot enter the roundabout until there is a clear opening for your vehicle. Also, if you plan to eventually make a left turn out of the roundabout, you should travel in the inside lane. If you want to drive straight to the other side of the roundabout, you can travel in either the inside or outside lane. And if you plan to take an immediate right turn, you need to stay in the outside lane of the roundabout.

It’s helpful if you view the roundabout as a regular intersection of streets and consider how you would drive if you were planning to turn left, go straight, or turn right. A good explanation of roundabout driving can be found at this online driver’s education course. Perhaps it would be helpful for drivers to review this information so that we can all be safer in these areas.

West Toledo

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Remember how elected officials obtained power

There is plenty of reason to be dissatisfied with the federal government. Political party over country, name calling, fake news, negative campaigning, corrupt campaign financing, and foul language are all irritants. No one, let alone a foreign government, can be allowed to manipulate our election process. Election funds and lobbyists need to be regulated so elections are not purchased.

The average voter is looking for a government that works for them, not in a selfish way, but one that will produce a better life for them and their children.

They are looking for leaders that they can respect, leaders who are moral and ethical. They have high regard for those that can project a bright, prosperous, and peaceful vision for the country and a path to get there. Honesty and humility are always prized attributes. We want team players that can identify and recruit the brightest and the most capable, recognizing that one or a few cannot run this country. In summary, we want leaders that we can be proud of, that we can respect, that we can trust, that earn the respect of foreign countries. It is the responsibility of political parties to identify, groom, and promote these gifted individuals.

Too often we have been faced with picking the best of two poor choices. Hence, the disappointment with Washington and the throw out the political hacks attitude.

As Thomas Jefferson said, “The government you elect is the government you deserve.”


Kuhnle’s comments are understandable

I guess I must have missed the article about the attack at Franklin Park Mall by a group of Muslims on the Kuhnle family. I believe Mr. Kuhnle made negative comments after the incident, which he has every right to do. They were in poor taste, but the response by the Muslim Community was even worse in my opinion. They threatened to “close down” his business of 20 years by burning it to the ground. There were death threats against him and his family and to boycott anything he would do in the future. The Muslim spokesperson said Mr. Kuhnle’s comments were “hurtful” and Muslims “don’t support any threats of violence,” but that’s exactly what they were doing to the Kuhnle family. In the end, they said “we decided to give the Kuhnle’s another chance.” I guess they are the judge, jury, and deity all in one. God Bless them. Only in America.

Monclova Township