To the editor: FCA should reward retirees

Nick Vuich, former United Auto Workers chairman at Jeep, writes that FCA's recent windfall should allow them to reward retirees.
Nick Vuich, former United Auto Workers chairman at Jeep, writes that FCA's recent windfall should allow them to reward retirees.

The recent tax overhaul, as projected, appears to be a boon to Chrysler FCA. The trickle down to active employees also appears to be happening, as reported by The Blade in the form of a $2000 bonus. FCA has recovered and the active workers are being rewarded for their hard work and their part in the recovery. Where, I ask, is the trickle down for the retirees?

We sacrificed our Christmas bonus and future raises when FCA was in bankruptcy 10 years ago. Ten years later and retirees have not seen any wage increases or bonuses. The tax overhaul that saves the company millions does little to help struggling retirees as inflation and medical costs eat away at our stagnant pensions.

It is time, if not way past time for the UAW Leadership at the plant level, local level, and regional level to demand that the company reward retirees for their contribution to the recovery.

If not, we do remember how to fight for recognition through picketing and protesting at plants and dealerships. Do we really need to go there?

Lisa Lane

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Public safety over public opinion

The Jan. 8 editorial “Danger on the midway” reveals a dangerous trend that the state of Ohio is venturing toward.

The state should be more concerned about public safety, rather than the the public’s perception of the amusement ride industry and their potential interest in purchasing tickets.

Because of the failure of the Fire Ball ride last summer, the ride manufacturer should have issued a bulletin requiring all ride owners who own this type of ride to perform specific inspections to prevent this type of failure ever happening again on all sister rides and as well a NDE requirement with specific acceptance criteria based on a specific scheduled time.

Slaughter, Louisiana

Rationalizing racism

The Blade’s Jan. 13 editorial “Reason as racism” should have been titled “Rationalizing racism.” It is past time for Mr. Trump’s enablers to stop saying, “He is not a real racist, he only plays one on television.” Mr. Trump has a decades long history of being racially and ethnically challenged.

This is the basis of his entire immigration policy. Why would he try to help the Dreamers when he does not want them or their parents in his kingdom? Closed meeting or not, this is how he thinks. Remember when the Republican Party was all about morality and family values? Now they hide so they do not have to answer for him as long as he signs what they want.

If the term “racist” is too much for you, there are several others he has displayed regularly. How about self described sexual predator, bully, or just liar?


Fact from fiction

“Fake news” is difficult to define but CBS’s TV news program 6O Minutes defines it as something that is provably false, intended to deceive and disseminated wide to the masses. “Fake news” was one of the most used words of 2017. And apparently, “reporting” fake news (fiction), may be protected by the First Amendment.

Each of us must question the source and accuracy of the news stories we read, watch and listen to, and hold all news outlets accountable for objective and accurate reporting. We should not accept the concept of “alternative truths.”


Trump’s crass language is believable

The Blade’s Jan. 13 editorial “Reason as racism” was certainly thought provoking. I absolutely agree that the trend of labeling others and then dismissing not only the individual, but also their opinions are harmful, counter-productive, and all too prevalent in society today, especially in the media and social media. It is impossible to have courteous and respectful dialogue when individuals refuse to hear each other out much less weigh the value of what the other has said.

While the headlines of President Trump’s alleged crass reference to a variety of undeveloped countries are merely allegations without proof, I am deeply concerned that the allegations are so credible. Our president’s attitude and comments over the past few years have tended to lack judgement, dignity, wisdom, and compassion.

Maybe he didn’t say that particular word. I hope he didn’t, but I hate that he has lowered our standard of decorum to the point that this type of inflammatory comment is what we have come to expect from his leadership.


South Branch Library deserves recognition

Tuesday, Jan. 16, was the 100th anniversary of the South Toledo Lucas County Public Library. The original building, as the plaque reads, “is a gift of Andrew Carnegie to the people of Toledo” — as were four others among the first Toledo public neighborhood libraries. Four still serve our community for now 100 years.

But, unlike most others — named for prominent Toledoans — the South Branch Library history has not yet been acknowledged or celebrated.

In 2004, the South Branch Library moved to a new building but continued to serve the old south side community. In 2017, after years of neglect the original building was renovated as a Compassion Health Care Center Toledo, Both now serve the people of south Toledo for the common good.

Those with more resources are more likely to have their history preserved. When the south side lost Libbey High School, it lost a repository of a community history, which we work to preserve. The main library cooperates to preserve these histories. Yet I think it is important to have the neighborhood histories in hard copies in the local libraries to keep their sense of “place.”

Eileen Road

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