UT to host Women of the World symposium


A free day for women to relax, learn, dance, and sing will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 22 at the University of Toledo's Scott Park Campus.

The second Women of the World (WOW!) symposium will offer many workshops at 10 and 11:30 a.m. and 1:45 p.m., such as personal finances, pursuing your dreams, sexual health, starting a business, dressing professionally, adopting older children, and dealing with loss, grief, childhood incest, and sexual violence.

There will be health screenings and information about the Affordable Care Act, a session on women in history, a panel discussion about society's expectations for girls and women, and fun classes such as zumba, singing, and African dance. A drop-in craft room will be open throughout the day. A schedule of workshops is online.

"We also have a marketplace of women-owned businesses and women-focused organizations," said CeCe Norwood, the event's chairwoman.

Registration, continental breakfast, and shopping from vendors begins at 8:30, followed by the first round of workshops at 10.

Four people will be honored as SHEroes/​Rock awardees: Gina Mercurio (business), Mattie McAllister (education), Yvonne Harper (politics), and Lauren Merrell (youth).

At 7 p.m., the play, Vagina Monologues, will be presented at the Scott Park auditorium. Tickets are $10; $5 for students.

Attendees should bring their own lunch, except for the first 100 people who already registered and will receive a free lunch.

Last year's WOW! symposium was also held during March, which has been proclaimed Women's History Month by every U.S. president since 1995. WOW! was intended to be a onetime event but was so popular, it's been reprised, said Ms. Norwood.

WOW! will be a day to celebrate the past, plan for the future, and have fun, she said, adding that walk-ins are welcome, but everyone is asked to register online by Saturday.

A dozen organizations and businesses have joined forces to create the event, including UT, Owens Community College, the YWCA of Northwest Ohio, and St. Martin de Porres Church.

Information and registration: or 419-318-9705.

Contact Tahree Lane at or 419-724-6075.