Spectrum's spring show is on display at MCO


Spectrum Gallery has opened its members' spring show in Mulford Library at the Medical College of Ohio, 3045 Arlington Ave. The exhibit, to run through July 11, features works by Paul Brand, Susan Ashley Coss, Bev Engler, Liz Koster, Joan Nowak, Inga Reynolds, Carrol Lee Rice, John Shelly, Lois Shelly, Gail Sponseller, Craig Weatherby, and Rebecca Wilhoyte. Carolyn Goforth's work is exhibited in the MCO Faculty Club at the Toledo Hilton, 3100 Glendale Ave.

  • The Ohio Clothesline Project is to be displayed Thursday and Friday in the Ottawa County Courthouse lobby in Port Clinton. The project is a visual display of T-shirts with written messages and illustrations that survivors of violence, their families, and friends have designed to graphically demonstrate the impact of violence against women. The T-shirts can be seen between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. both days.

  • An exhibit of more than 50 award-winning quilts made by Ann Stamm Merrell opens Sunday in Sauder Village's Greenburg Gallery in Archbold. Merrell did her most creative quilt-making after learning she had cancer in 1993; finally succumbing to the disease in 1999. The exhibit, “Living Outside the Lines,” continues through June 17. An opening reception is scheduled from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 12:30 to 5 p.m. Sunday.

  • Phyllis Nordin and Trudy Kahn are exhibiting watercolors through Monday in the Franciscan Center at Lourdes College, 6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania.

  • An anonymous donor has given the Northwest Ohio chapter of the National Council on Alcholism and Drug Dependence a copy of Laran R. Ghihliere's bronze sculpture titled “First Born.” The statue, valued at $21,500, will be auctioned off with a 17-inch strand of Acova cultured pearls, appraised at $2,000, to benefit the local chapter.

    “First Born” and the Acova pearl necklace may be viewed at the American Gallery, 6600 West Sylvania Ave., Sylvania, through May 5. Information on the auction is available from Debbie Smigelski at 244-5100.

  • The Ohio Chinampas Project will be installed in the Toledo Botanical Garden, 5403 Elmer Dr., from May 12 to Oct. 1. The work, by Barbara W.F. Miner, the garden's 2001 artist in residence, is designed to transform the garden's Crosby Lake into an ancient Aztec-style garden. Visitors can meet the artist most Friday afternoons as she tends the garden. Information: 936-2986.


    “2001 A Glass Act,” introducing “Birds of Paradise,” a series by Jeremy Cline, has opened at Prism contempo- rary glass gallery, 21 North Saginaw, New Pontiac. Nearly 100 works by more than 25 artists will also be featured through May 19.

  • The Sybaris Gallery, 202 East Third St., Royal Oak, has two new exhibits on view through May 19. One is “Contrasts in Formality: Contemporary Japanese Basketry.” Artists include a fifth-generation bamboo basketmaker; a former architect who uses models of his large-scale outdoor sculptures as forms of basketry, and one who sets fire to his complex stainless steel and natural hemp constructions.

    The second exhibit features enamel jewelry by Jamie Bennett, Sarah Perkins, Barbara Seidenath, and Johan Van Aswegan.

    Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday.