3-part seminar offers boost for local artists


There's no cure for the common cold, but relief is in sight for the plight of the proverbial underfed artist.

A three-part seminar, "No More Starving Artists," will begin at 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Main Branch of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library. Registration is required for each Wednesday evening session. A fee will be charged for only the second session.

Aimed at writers, musicians, visual artists, and actors, the seminar's kickoff topic will be grant research.

"There's all kinds of things available to artists in terms of financial aid," said Linda Koss, grantsmanship specialist for the library system, who will lead the initial session. "I'll show people how to research grants. We'll talk about health insurance, opportunities to sell your art, residencies, fellowships, scholarships."

The second program, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Oct. 18, features Martin Nagy leading a hands-on grant proposal writing course. This session, which includes individual assistance, has a $10 fee and is limited to 25 people. Nagy is the executive director of the Arts Council Lake Erie West.

The final session, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Nov. 1, covers how artists can market their art. The arts scene will be discussed by harpist Nancy Lendrim, City Paper editor Jason Webber, and art consultant Peggy Grant.

Participants will then break into discussion groups. The visual arts group will be led by Peggy Grant, glass artist Jack Schmidt, and painter Jane Petitjean. The performing arts discussion will be led by singer Doreen Robideaux, actor Tom Hofbauer, and musician Joe Zsigray. The literary arts session includes writer Warren Woodbury, book illustrator Wil Clay, and romance writers Tony and Lori Karayianni (who write under the pen name Tori Carrington.)

Koss said she has seen several informational programs aimed at nonprofit organizations, "but there haven't been a lot of things for individual artists."

The three-part seminar, "No More Starving Artists," will begin at 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Main Branch of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library, 325 North Michigan St. Subsequent sessions will be held Oct. 18 and Nov. 1. Registration is required. Information and registration: 419-259-5209.

- Tahree Lane

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