Downtown art gallery showcases 14 artists


Environments, featuring the work of 14 artists, opens with an Oct. 19 reception at Space 237 & ClaySpace in downtown Toledo and continues through Jan. 5. The 7-to-10 p.m. reception will feature live entertainment, refreshments, and edible art. The gallery is at 237 North Michigan St. Information: 419-255-5117 and


Water Works, an exhibit by artist-activists, examines water-related issues, including environmental, economic, and political aspects.

It opens with a 7:30 p.m. reception Oct. 20 in the Dorothy Uber Bryan Gallery in the Fine Arts Center Building at Bowling Green State University. Featured are works by Robert Glenn Ketchum, Stacy Levy, Eve Andree Laramee, Jackie Brookner, Basia Irland, Betsy Damon. Through Nov. 17.

At 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 20, Robert Glenn Ketchum will discuss Conservation and Photography: A Long-Evolving History, in BGSU's Olscamp Hall, Room 115. Ketchum's books and photography have addressed critical environmental issues and helped define contemporary color photography. In conjunction with his talk, his traveling show, Southwest Alaska: A World of National Parks and Wildlife Refuges, will be displayed in the Bryan Gallery. Ketchum has received the United Nations' Outstanding Environmental Achievement Award. Information: 419-372-8525.


Mary Dawson's gossamer-thin ceramic veils are featured at the American Gallery, 6600 Sylvania Ave. at Saxon Square, through Oct. 31. Information: 419-882-8949.


Call for entries: Deadline for entries in the Toledo Friends of Photography 2008 National Juried Exhibition is Oct. 13. Information and prospectus are available by calling 419-536-6122 and at


Jim Williams will be painting in Walt Churchill's Market, 3320 Briarfield Blvd., from 3 to 6 p.m. today and tomorrow. He's the second in a series of artists to make art in the store.


The Athena Art Society's annual juried exhibit continues through Nov. 20 at the Wolfe Gallery on the campus of Maumee Valley Country Day School, 1715 South Reynolds Rd. A reception will be from 1 to 3 p.m. Oct. 21. Bids for pieces in the show will be accepted at an ongoing silent auction.


The Dorr Street Cafe, 5243 Dorr St., offers its walls to artists who want to show and sell their work. Contact Matt Palmer, 419-531-4446.


A pastel workshop will be taught by Merv P. Russell on Oct. 18 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the Schaller Memorial Building, 130 West Indiana St. in Perrysburg. Coordinated by Prizm Creative Community. Contact Nancy Wiser at 419-874-6733.


The Great Lakes Pastel Society annual members' juried exhibit continues in the Community Gallery at the Toledo Museum of Art through Nov. 11 with more than 70 pieces.


Impressionist and Modern Masters from the Cleveland Museum of Art, more than 130 works from the museum's collection of 19th and 20th-century European art, opens Oct. 21 and continues through Jan. 13. Information: 1-888-CMA-0033.