Time is running out to see Olitski show at museum


Closing Sunday at the Toledo Museum of Art is Revelation: Major Paintings by Jules Olitski. Olitski (1922-2007) combined color in wonderful ways on huge canvases brushed and spray-painted and pushed with mitts on his hands. Tours will be at 7 and 8 p.m. Friday, and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Deadline is Sept. 12 for a photo contest sponsored by New York Life at Schedel Arboretum & Gardens in Elmore. The top 25 picks will be exhibited at Schedel this fall, and cash prizes will be awarded. Information: 419-862-3182 and schedel-gardens.org.

Exhibits at the National Center for Nature Photography in Secor Metropark continue to be shown from noon to 5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays through Oct. 28. Curious Critters, photographed with softly lit white backgrounds, is the work of Dave FitzSimmons. Steve Perry presents spectacular scenery and wildlife in America's Back Country. And Larry Low provides an in-depth look at nature. Also on view is Plants Preserved and Plants Protected, prints from Bowling Green State University's herbarium collection by Edwin Lincoln Moseley, the late BGSU biologist and Oak Openings naturalist. The prints are paired with images of the plants growing in the wild. Information: metroparkstoledo.com.

Tom Muir's 'Twin Risers' sterling silver teapot, 2007, will be one of the artist's works in a show opening Tuesday at Bowling Green State University. The show runs through Sept. 23.
Tom Muir's 'Twin Risers' sterling silver teapot, 2007, will be one of the artist's works in a show opening Tuesday at Bowling Green State University. The show runs through Sept. 23.

Two shows open Tuesday in adjacent galleries at BGSU. A Conversation: Glass Masters of Japan and the Studio Glass Movement will be in the Willard Wankelman Gallery. And metals and jewelry by Tom Muir and BGSU alumni including pieces from the Dorothy Price Collection, will be in cases in the Bryan Gallery lobby in the Fine Arts Center, both through Sept. 23. Information: 419-372-8525.

Veronica Kaufman will show her sculpture and mixed-media wall hangings from 1 to 7 p.m. Sunday at 3655 Torrence Dr. Among her inspirations are early 20th century sculptors Raymond Duchamp-Villon and Umberto Boccioni. Information: 419-724-7406.

Ohio artists may apply for Individual Excellence Awards of the Ohio Arts Council, before the deadline of 5 p.m. Sept. 4. Categories include crafts, design arts/illusion, interdisciplinary/performance art, media arts, photography, and 2-D and 3-D visual art. Applicants must use the OnLine Grant Applications (OLGA) system, at culturegrants-oh.org. Information: 614-728-6140 and kathy.signorino@oac.state.oh.us.

Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, a Seoul-based collaborative that presents itself as a corporation, has produced more than 60 video works, innovative and in several languages but low-tech and noninteractive. Mostly black and white, they comprise rapidly flashing text accompanied by jazz, percussion, and string arrangements created by the artists. Subjects range from international politics to petty crime, urban isolation, poverty, and consumer culture. The group cites Marcel Duchamp as an influence. Continuing through Nov. 18, it's one of several exhibits at the University of Michigan Museum of Art, 525 S. State St., Ann Arbor. The collaborative's work can been seen at yhchang.com.

Send items two weeks before the event to tlane@theblade.com.