Chrysler to take over supplier-run Toledo Jeep paint shop


Chrysler Group LLC early next year will take control of the Toledo Assembly complex's Wrangler paint shop operation from Magna International Inc., which has run the paint shop since June, 2006.

Chrysler spokesman Jodi Tinson said Wednesday the automaker is evaluating the efficiencies in what has been a supplier factory and expects to be running it by spring.

It was not immediately clear how many employees the factory has. Chrysler is evaluating its staffing needs for the paint shop, but noted that some of its employees are Chrysler retirees or former Chrysler workers who took a buyout a few years ago and would be ineligible to work for the automaker.

The other Magna workers will be interviewed by Chrysler for possible continued employment, Ms. Tinson said. If there more positions that need filling, it is possible they could be filled with employees on layoff or even new hires, she added.