Auto task force eyes wider scope

1st regional conference today


LIMA, Ohio — The Lima Auto Task Force is hosting its first regional conference today at the University of Northwestern Ohio, as it works to expand its reach and help companies do a little bit of networking in the process.

The task force expects 15 companies to have displays at the conference, including Ford Motor Co. and Honda Motor Co. Ltd. Ford has an engine plant in Lima that employs more than 700 people, while Honda has significant operations in central and western Ohio, including assembly plants in East Liberty and Marysville, and an engine plant in Anna.

“As a region, we’re pretty dependent on automotive because we’re on the I-75 automotive corridor,” said task force member Judy Cowan, who is helping to organize the conference.

The task force, made up of elected officials, economic development people, and business people, is a member of the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor, and today’s conference will feature two speakers from the think tank.

“This really gives us a view of what’s going on in the world and how to plan for that,” Ms. Cowan said.

Officials said the hope is that by opening membership to people from across an 11-county area in west-central Ohio it can do more good.

Contact Tyrel Linkhorn at or 419-724-6134.