Chrysler plans to hire up to 1,000 part-time employees for Toledo Jeep plant

Most of the new hires will get between 10 and 30 hours per week.
Most of the new hires will get between 10 and 30 hours per week.

Chrysler Group LLC plans to hire up to 1,000 part-time employees for Toledo's Jeep plant in order to keep production rolling while giving regular employees more time off.

“Our people have been working a tremendous amount of hours,” Plant Manager Chuck Padden said. “To get them more time off is important to us, to make sure they’re refreshed, and can work safely.”

With record demand for the Jeep Wrangler and the launch of the new Jeep Cherokee late last year, employees are regularly working 60 hours a week. And while employees generally like the overtime, such lengthy stretches can wear on workers.

A company spokesman said Monday that Chrysler has hired 380 temporary part-time employees this year, though 50 have been converted to regular, full-time employees.

Chrysler already has collected applications for the jobs and is not currently accepting any more.

Most of the new hires will get between 10 and 30 hours per week.

The TPT employees are paid $15.78 an hour, the rate same as new full-time hires. They’re also offered limited benefits, including health insurance.