BG, UT high in MAC graduation rates


The latest NCAA Graduation Success Rate numbers show Bowling Green State University and the University of Toledo high in the Mid-American Conference.

The Falcons have a GSR of 84 percent, second in the MAC, eight points above the national average. The Rockets have a GSR of 82 percent, which ranks fourth in the MAC.

UT women s basketball (93 percent) ranks fi rst in the MAC.

The 2005 GSR is based on the graduation data from incoming freshman classes from 1995-98.

The NCAA allows six years from initial full-time enrollment for a student-athlete to count toward a school s graduation rate.

The GSR includes students who transfer into the institution, mid-year enrollees and studentathletes who subsequently receive athletic aid. Excluded from

the GSR are student-athletes who transfer from the institution in good standing.