It's time to have a ball


"The Night . . . the Music . . . and You." Sapphire Ball 2000 will sizzle with excitement, according to the announcement made at the kick-off party Saturday in the Perrysburg home of Barbara Steele.

The ball, presented by the Toledo Opera Guild Sept. 23 at the University of Toledo Student Union Ballroom, will have foods to tantalize the taste buds and music to give a rush of energy, with a Jazz Cafe to finish the night off.

In the meantime, the kick-off party was a sheer delight for the senses as guests mingled at tables overlooking the Maumee River. The view was captivating and the music by The Carol Veto Band added that extra touch. For some guests, including Jean Smith, it was time to reminisce as the Steele home, formerly the B.R. Baker home, was a place she recalled from past soirees.

Ball chairmen are Suzanne Brockway, Allen and Hindea Markowicz, Mark Moser, and Sena Mourad . The Opera Guild president is Ann Galloway.

"The Crystal Ball 2001: A Rock and Rollin' Event," which benefits St. Charles Mercy Hospital, is slated for March 10, 2001 at Nazareth Hall, according to chairmen Lachman and Nancie Chablani and Don and Judy Turner at a kick-off party Thursday in the Chablanis' home.

The theme is in honor of the hospital's 50th anniversary in 2003, and one of several events slated around a long celebration. Guests gadded over refreshing beverages, tasty hors d'oeuvres, and mouth-watering desserts as The Villagers gave a be-boppin' preview. Among the ball committee and foundation trustees were Nasir and Lynn Ali, Kusum and Kushala Hegde, Kate Badik, Odessa and Charles Rowan, Ram and Neerada Bhat, and chief of staff Kewal Mahajan. The Chablanis' daughter Anisha came from Boston just for the occasion.

The Toledo Hospital and Toledo Children's Hospital Auxiliary hosted a kick-off party on July 23 at the Toledo Country Club in celebration of their annual black-tie fund-raiser, "The Event 2000."

Cindy Skaff, chairwoman of the "The Event 2000," announced that Bio Ritmo, a Latin salsa band led by Rene Herera, will perform.

Barbara Hendel is the Blade's society writer.