Super time for the Super Bowl, here and in Detroit

  • Super-time-for-the-Super-Bowl-here-and-in-Detroit

  • Tales of tailgating during the Super Bowl are scoring high around town. Where were you on Super Bowl Sunday? Some folks were in Detroit and saw the action in person, while others gathered with friends and tuned in to the game on TV at home.

    But here in Toledo, or only an hour away in Detroit, there was more to the game than just football. Big bucks were spent on entertaining customers, and it was a day to nix the diet. Even if you are not a football fan, the halftime show and the commercials provided additional entertainment. Of course, the Super Bowl was especially exciting for Steelers fans. Even though Seattle fans were hashing over the referees' calls, they had fun, too.

    One Pittsburgh fan who was at the game said, "WHAT a blast! The Super Bowl was awesome. I am so lucky to have gone." That was Marcia Rubini, who believed going to the game was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity no matter who was playing. She was there with her husband, Mark. They saw it all - music legends Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, and Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones. They had a great time, Mrs. Rubini said. "I am exhausted! But it was worth every minute of it!"

    The Rubinis were lucky to be there because they passed up their first opportunity to purchase tickets at a charity auction. They hesitated, and poof! the tickets, which included a limousine ride, were sold. But luckily their friends Bob and Cathy Pennell invited the Rubinis to join their group, which included a ride to Detroit in the Pennells' luxury bus, which had a bedroom, dining room, and even a washer and drier.

    ALL smiles this week was big football fan Jim Murray, who took his son, Martin, to the game.

    ON THE local front, Bob Hadley and Roiann Alozaibi hosted a Super Bowl party in his Sylvania home for a few friends. The bash was one big feast. It included special treats by Chef Lee Tebbetts from the Rose and Thistle restaurant, who came over and cooked his signature crab legs and delicious side dishes.

    Among the guests were Betty and John Shultz, Donna Owens, Shannon and Alex Leadbetter, Mike Zapiecki, Sean Hadley, Kathy Williams, Mai and Andy Bick, Joyce and Barry Savage, Jill and Mike Ducey, Kara and Brian Gump, and Candi and John McCarthy.

    A SUPER BOWL XL party was at the home of Jack Sculfort with his fiance, Cyndi Marcis. It was packed with all kinds of guests from all parts of their lives, from childhood friends and college buddies to business associates and longtime friends.

    But for those who have attended past parties at Mr. Sculfort's home, it was his clever invitation that enticed them to mark their calendars for the big bash: "The Super Bowl again has come near/The principle to which we adhere .../Good food, good friends and good cheer/At our party we hope you'll appear .../I'm forced to use these feeble rhymes/It's important that you persevere.../Let no other plans interfere ..."

    Even though guests were provided with Mr. Sculfort's address, some came down the street, saw several cars lined up, and went on into the party, only to find that they were at the wrong house - the Sculfort party was a few houses down.

    Some guests arrived in time for the kickoff and left after the game, while others came and stayed till after midnight. Among the guests were Lance and Ann Marie Scott, Bob Pollex, and Kim and Nancy Klewer, and "party crashers" Baker O'Brien and her husband, Lucas Novotny.

    A PARTY in the home of Tom and Marlene Uhler proved to be a feast second only to Thanksgiving. Guests - mainly Eagle Point Colony neighbors and a few others - were upstairs, downstairs, and all around the house.

    Every room had a television set, so no matter where you were you could see the game and the commercials - especially the Fabio one, which was the hit with the women.

    And it you went hungry it was your own fault, because there was an endless array of tailgate favorites, from hot dogs and Mexican dips to homemade brownies and more, with plenty of spirited and soft beverages to wash everything down.

    LARRY BOYER was not at the Super Bowl, but he didn't seem to mind. He called me from Orlando, where he was attending the annual four-day conference of the Mortgage Bankers Association, which included people from all over the country.

    The big conference was at the Swan and Dolphin hotels at the Walt Disney World resort.

    Naturally, most took time out to watch the game. But, wow, what a party! Former Pittsburgh Steelers player Rocky Bleier hosted a bash at the Dolphin Hotel for about 1,500 of his closest friends. It included a tailgate party, a game party, and a post-game party.

    Mr. Boyer, one of the few Seattle fans among the group, said, "Bleachers were set up like you were really there!" around the edges of the room, with food and drinks and TVs on the "field" in the center.