Time for glamour: Clubs put on the glitz as they celebrate the holidays


Sylvania Country Club's Snowball was Dec. 11, with dancing to the tunes of DJ Jim Lieber. The night was grand from the cocktails and dinner to the jazz and cordials to the photo booth and midnight snacks.

The committee included Chris Fordham, Ann Meier, Alissa Meyer, Anna Meyer, Judy Baber, Amanda Dietrich, Cindy Folger, and Sandy Viviano.

The Toledo Country Club's “Who-ville Holly Ball” Dec. 4 was a fun twist on the annual dance with everything from green eggs and ham appetizers to a few Grinch hats amid the crowd. It was the brainchild of event chairman Julie Hagenbuch, who was there with her husband, Craig. One of the head “whos” was Emily Schroder, who was there with her husband, Dennis. Adding extra fun to the night was the round of the “Twelve Days of Christmas,” with the verses divided by tables. Some folks were more in tune that others, which was cause for a lot of laughter.

The Toledo Yacht Club Commodore's Ball was late last month at the grand old club overlooking the water. The event was in honor of 2011 Commodore Charlie Scott and his wife, Lady Joanne. But it was a holiday happening too, with Christmas trees decorated in silver and blue with glittering lights. Gathering for a holiday soiree on Dec. 4 were many TYC folks at the home of Bill and Joann McElheney.

Stone Oak Country Club's annual Holiday Lights gala, “It's a Wonderful Life,” was just before Thanksgiving, so the club was all set early for the holidays. Dining was fab, followed by dancing to the tunes of Swingmania Orchestra. There were no fireworks, but the club sparkled with plenty of lights indoors and out to create a warm welcome. Event chairman Maggie Mouilleseaux, there with her husband, Michael, was assisted by committee members Maggie and Bob Kirby, Linda Kelley, Cynthia Coleman, Brooke Schmitz, Melanie Kyle, Hope Finch, and Nancy Lanier. Also present was club president Mike Hart with his wife, Kelly.

Belmont Country Club's holiday dance, “A Winter Wonderland,” was Dec. 4 with dancing to the Homewreckers. Members and guests drank and dined in elegance, then burned calories on the dance floor by the light of the fire and sparkling Christmas tree lights. Bette Gilwee, social chairman, was there with her husband, John. Greeting everyone was the holiday dance committee that included John and Sue Byerly, Dave and Cindy Bishop, Kirk and Lee Feuerbach, and Paul and Betsy Martin.