On the Town: Lecture series honors artist

  • Lourdes-Sister-Jane-Mary

    Left to right: –Lourdes Department of Art Chair Erin Palmer Szavuly, Linda Brymer, Sr. Jane Mary Sorosiak, OSF, and Lourdes alumnus George Brymer.

  • Left to right: –Lourdes Department of Art Chair Erin Palmer Szavuly, Linda Brymer, Sr. Jane Mary Sorosiak, OSF, and Lourdes alumnus George Brymer.
    Left to right: –Lourdes Department of Art Chair Erin Palmer Szavuly, Linda Brymer, Sr. Jane Mary Sorosiak, OSF, and Lourdes alumnus George Brymer.

    Lourdes College's department of art is hosting the Sister Jane Mary Sorosiak Lecture Series. The presentations include a variety of topics related to the arts. They began last week with the work of the series' namesake, Sister Jane Mary Sorosiak, OSF.

    Sister Jane Mary, an accomplished teacher and artist, taught at Cardinal Stritch High School for 14 years, then at Lourdes for nearly 30 years. Her ceramic and mural works are installed across the nation, from Texas to California to Ohio.

    Edith Franklin speaks with Sr. Jane Mary Sorosiak.
    Edith Franklin speaks with Sr. Jane Mary Sorosiak.