On the Town: Symphony League enjoys shopping, gardening, philanthropy

  • Symphony-League-Rusty-Phlegar-Helen-Rogge

    Rusty Phlegar, left, and Helen Rogge attend the Toledo Symphony League's Rite of Spring luncheon at the Toledo Hilton.

  • Rusty Phlegar, left, and Helen Rogge attend the Toledo Symphony League's Rite of Spring luncheon at the Toledo Hilton.
    Rusty Phlegar, left, and Helen Rogge attend the Toledo Symphony League's Rite of Spring luncheon at the Toledo Hilton.

    Toledo Symphony League hosted its annual Rite of Spring luncheon last month at the Toledo Hilton.

    Guests were met in the parking lot by smiling golf cart drivers to escort them to the door.

    Jenn Amstutz, store manager of Nature's Corner at Glass City Landscape, gives a gardening presentation to those gathered at the Toledo Symphony League's annual Rite of Spring luncheon.
    Jenn Amstutz, store manager of Nature's Corner at Glass City Landscape, gives a gardening presentation to those gathered at the Toledo Symphony League's annual Rite of Spring luncheon.

    The morning started with a silent auction and shopping at various vendor boutiques including Harbor Glass, Country Heritage Keepsakes, Silpada Jewelry and Purse-Love. Lunch was followed by a gardening presentation by Jenn Amstutz, store manager of Nature's Corner at Glass City Landscape.

    League President Ann Randolph presented two checks to Kathy Carroll, president and CEO of the Toledo Symphony. One was for the annual pledge to the orchestra and the other was for the "Bite of the Big Apple Initiative" to support the symphony's May trip to Carnegie Hall.

    Seen at the event were Mary Pat Anderson, Margaret Doresco, Mary Decker, Claire Browning, Barbara Bettinger, Sandra Seiple, and many others, including event chairman Rusty Phlegar.