Big Night for Rotarians

  • death-by-chocolate-1

    Liz Jacoby Jeff Anderson Karen Miller Alison Reny and Tony Calabrese enjoy wine in TSA's Sculpture Garden.

  • Liz Jacoby Jeff Anderson Karen Miller Alison Reny and Tony Calabrese enjoy wine in TSA's Sculpture Garden.
    Liz Jacoby Jeff Anderson Karen Miller Alison Reny and Tony Calabrese enjoy wine in TSA's Sculpture Garden.

    The Rotary Club of Perrysburg hosted its 34th annual Charter Night Dinner Friday at Belmont Country Club. President Steve Hopkins welcomed everyone and thanked Julie Roberts, event chairman.

    Cocktails and tasty tidbits were followed by a delicious beef and lobster tail dinner.

    Foundation chairman John Welch thanked everyone for helping with the Rotary's ninth annual Community Garage Sale on June 1. It raised $9,000 for the Perrysburg Christians United Food Pantry, according to event chairman Chris Fogel, who said Exchange Club members helped out. Leftover clothing was sent overseas and other items were given to Goodwill.

    The incoming president is Rob Fox III, who will take office July 1.

    Toledo Day Nursery's annual In Another Garden Growing Places Tour was Saturday in Old Orchard.

    Many were privy to a sneak peek on June 13 starting with a dinner at Inverness Club followed by the tour, which included music in the gardens and boutiques with garden-related items.

    Claudia Sundberg, president of the Friends of Toledo Day Nursery, welcomed everyone. Preview party chairmen were Linda Telb, Doreen Younts, and Deb Skrzynecki.

    Immediate past-president Julie Roberts, left, with Patrick and Corinne Amico during the Rotary Club of Perrysburg's 34th Annual Charter Night Dinner at Belmont Country Club.
    Immediate past-president Julie Roberts, left, with Patrick and Corinne Amico during the Rotary Club of Perrysburg's 34th Annual Charter Night Dinner at Belmont Country Club.

    They were assisted by a vast committee that included Mary Decker, Margaret Doresco, Konni Bostleman, Marcia McCready, Jano Nolette, Lynda Gilbert, Chris Vischer, and Joyce Starr.

    Kudos to the homeowners who opened their gardens for the tour: Tracy Tersigni, Jill and Arthur Keller, Lynn and Kevin Casper, Lisa and Aaron Grizaniuk, Susan Telljohann and Sherry Tripepi, Bobbie and Bill Moore, Heather and Jason Huntley, Lois and Jim Whiteman, Leah Connor, and Beverly and Jim Lemerand.

    About 700 spectators perused the gardens which helped net about $23,000.

    A wonderful summer soiree was the 9th annual Death by Chocolate on June 6 in the Toledo School for the Arts garden. The event was a night to honor ARTners, nonprofit organizations that work with the school, and volunteers.

    Music filled the air as some 250 guests strolled amid cocktail tables centered with creative floral centerpieces. This was an opportunity to indulge in savory chocolate edibles such as chocolate pulled pork sliders and desserts such as truffles and cakes.

    Twenty-five ARTners were honored including the Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo Zoo, the Arts Commission, Toledo Symphony, Bowling Green State University, Toledo Repertoire Theatre, Toledo-Lucas County Public Library, and the Valentine Theatre. They all received wood and glass plaques signed by the students who created the designs.

    Nine parent volunteers were honored for donating more than 120 hours of service to the school, including Lauri Edwards, who donated the most number of hours during 2012-13. An estimated $1,500 was generated even though it was not a fund-raiser.

    Sponsors included Miles Baker Street, Registry Bistro, and Glendale Flowers and Gifts.