Dirk Pitt fans will enjoy his latest adventure


Dirk Pitt and the NUMA crew are back to save the world in the Cus­sler (Clive and son Dirk) fam­ily’s lat­est ad­ven­ture, Po­sei­don’s Ar­row.

The gov­ern­ment has se­cretly cre­ated a sub­ma­rine ca­pa­ble of mov­ing through the wa­ter at more than 100 miles an hour. Stocked with ad­vanced weap­onry and al­most stealth­like abil­i­ties, this new sub­ma­rine will dom­i­nate the seas.

Then the pro­to­type is sto­len and the in­ven­tor is found dead.

Pitt and his wife are en­joy­ing a sail­boat cruise when a freighter crashes into them.

 They barely es­cape, and soon dis­cover the crew of the freighter that slammed into them is no­where to be found. Pitt and his team have to once again save the day be­cause it ap­pears that a trai­tor high up in gov­ern­ment wants to thwart their ev­ery move.

Cus­sler fans know what to ex­pect when they pick up one of his nov­els — a rol­lick­ing ad­ven­ture with much ban­ter and der­ring-do.

The Dirk Pitt nov­els are the main­stay of Cus­sler’s vast em­pire. The last few nov­els have been writ­ten with his son, and the sto­ries have be­come more of a fam­ily af­fair with Dirk Pitt, Sr., tak­ing over NUMA and his son and daugh­ter tack­ling the field in­ves­ti­ga­tions. Since he now has a desk job, it has be­come a bit of a stretch to keep him op­er­at­ing in the field.

The nov­els usu­ally rely heav­ily on his­tory, and this time it’s more about the fu­ture of ma­rine tech­nol­ogy rather than a quest for a past ar­ti­fact.

 The pre­vi­ous nov­els also had so much ma­terial it felt like read­ing three books in one pack­age. Now the for­mula has be­come a bit bloated and pad­ded.

How­ever, Cus­sler fans will still grab this one. It’s no Inca Gold, but it’s one of the bet­ter ones in the se­ries writ­ten with Dirk Cus­sler.