Man is held in rape of girl, 14

Toledoan also investigated for a 2nd assault in March

Ricky Jamison, 49, of 4285 Keygate Drive is accused of raping a developmentally disabled teen who had gone to see a neighbor.
Ricky Jamison, 49, of 4285 Keygate Drive is accused of raping a developmentally disabled teen who had gone to see a neighbor.

The Toledo man arrested for the rape of a 14-year-old developmentally disabled girl in March also is being investigated for rape in a separate incident, police said.

Ricky Jamison, of 4285 Keygate Drive, Apt. 103, was arrested Wednesday by the special victims' unit and the Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force. He was taken to the Lucas County jail where he remained held on one count of rape Wednesday night.

Police gave few details about the second pending investigation for which Jamison, 49, is being looked at for rape charges. The incident also occurred in early March, Toledo police Sgt. Patrick Skinner said.

The developmentally disabled girl was reported missing March 3 by family, resulting in an all-night search by family, friends, and officers who went door-to-door with the girl's photo in her South Toledo neighborhood. The Blade does not identify victims of sexual assault.

"They had me looking through trash cans," the girl's father said Wednesday. "Do you know how [expletive] hard it is looking through trash cans for your kid?"

The girl was taken from in front of her home around 6 p.m. She had just gone to a neighbor's house to ask if she could walk the dog, her mother said. When she was on her way back home, she was ordered by her abductor to get into what she told investigators was a tan car. She told police two men forced her into the car after she said no.

Toledo police Capt. Wes Bombrys said officers believe Jamison acted alone.

The girl was missing for more than 22 hours. Captain Bombrys said the suspect didn't fight to keep her from leaving when she did so.

She was found walking near Jamison's apartment by Maumee High School students — the girl's stepfather and brother had taken flyers to the school, giving one to each student. The students recognized the girl from the flyers and called a friend who dated the girl's sister.

When the sister's boyfriend saw the girl, they took her back home.

"There was so much pressure lifted off my chest," the girl's mother said. "I brought her in the house and just held her ... She screamed out ‘Mommy!' "

When the girl came home she had a bump on her head and bruises on her neck from being grabbed by the abductor, her mother said.

Soon after she was found, the girl took police back to where she thought she had been taken to and pointed out a building very similar and very close to the one where Jamison lives, her mother said.

Because of her developmental challenges, the girl no longer appears to have any memory of being taken or what happened while she was away, her mother said.

"She doesn't remember, and we want to keep it that way," her father said.

Her first night back home, the girl slept in her older sister's bed, but since she has slept in her own. She hasn't had nightmares, her mother said. The following Monday, she was back at school.

The girl's mother was at the grocery store Thursday when she got the call, her phone hardly had any service, but between the static and before the call dropped, the voice on the other end said police had arrested a man for the rape of her daughter.

"It was a mix of feelings," she said. "I was ecstatic, there was shock. Kind of numb. I was feeling overwhelmed, thinking ‘Thank God.' Now I know he's off the streets and don't have to worry if he's ... watching her anymore."

Captain Bombrys said there's no indication that the suspect had stalked or watched the girl, but it was more of a "chance encounter."

The girl will turn 15 on Saturday.

Since she's been home, her parents said they've been told to keep her inside.

When the girl's mother asked what she'd like for her birthday, the girl wanted only a sandbox.

Jamison is to be arraigned at 9 a.m. Thursday in Toledo Municipal Court.

"Now that he's arrested maybe it will be some return to normalcy, but there will always be that fear [he'll come back for her]," the girl's mother said.

Contact Taylor Dungjen at: or 419-724-6054.