Suspect in Oregon shooting waives pretrial hearing


The man accused of shooting at an Oregon police officer last week will soon be in front of a Lucas County grand jury.

Jeff Belew, 23, was arraigned in the Oregon Municipal Court on Wednesday and waived his right to a pretrial hearing, sending him to the grand jury.

He is in the Lucas County jail on two counts of felonious assault and a $500,000 bond.

Mr. Belew fired at least four times at Oregon police Sgt. Jeff Martin, striking the officer’s vehicle, police said.

Sergeant Martin was the first officer to arrive at the Piccadilly East Apartments, 2750 Pickle Rd., just after 5 a.m. April 10 when responding to a report of two brothers fighting, according to police.

Officer Don Sekulski arrived as backup, firing three shots at Mr. Belew, striking him once in the upper right torso area. Officer Sekulski was placed on administrative leave.