Man pleads not guilty to bilking elderly clients


A Toledo man charged with taking money from senior citizens for work that he allegedly never performed appeared in Lucas County Common Pleas Court Tuesday to face multiple counts of felony theft.

Joseph Adamski, 42, of 1732 Arlington Ave. pleaded not guilty to four counts of theft from the elderly. Because of the dollar amounts involved, two of the counts are third-degree felonies and two counts are fourth-degree felonies.

He faces up to 13 years in prison if convicted.

According to court documents, Mr. Adamski promised to do work on the homes of a 76-year-old woman and a couple, ages 79 and 81. After receiving payment, the documents state, he never completed the work, which included roof and driveway repairs.

The charges stem from an investigation by the prosecutor’s office’s Senior Protection Unit. Authorities said other victims, ages 69 to 93, have won civil judgments against Mr. Adamski.

Mr. Adamski is to appear in court again June 14 before Judge Myron Duhart.