Ex-officer gets community control in theft from elderly


A former Toledo Correctional Institution officer was sentenced in Lucas County Common Pleas Court to community control for stealing money from an elderly neighbor.

Scott Jennings, 40, of 4014 Wreford Ct. was sentenced Wednesday to two years of community control, including 80 hours of community service. Judge Gary Cook also ordered him to pay $9,872.93 in restitution to the victim and his bank by the end of the year.

Jennings pleaded no contest and was found guilty July 27 of theft from the elderly and misuse of a credit card. Authorities said Jennings took a blank check and a debit card from the home of his 88-year-old neighbor and accumulated nearly $5,000 in charges in 12 transactions over two days.

He was wearing his prison corrections officer uniform in a photo taken at the bank where he cashed the forged $5,000 check. Authorities also used as evidence a photograph of Jennings' driver's license, which police said he apparently used to cover the camera to avoid being seen.