Temperance woman sentenced in death


A Temperance woman was sentenced Wednesday for striking and killing a man in the roadway and leaving the scene.

Kadie McCurdy, 27, was sentenced by Judge Linda Jennings to three years community control, including six months at the Correctional Treatment Center, for failure to stop after an accident.

She had previously pleaded no contest and was found guilty for the Aug. 20 incident that left Christopher Moles, 39, dead.

Authorities said he was found on the pavement in the 700 block of West Laskey Road after 3 a.m. Aug. 20.

Both McCurdy and the victim had been drinking -- court records showed that McCurdy had a blood-alcohol content of 0.182 percent, more than twice the 0.08 percent legal limit.

"I want to sincerely apologize to the family," McCurdy said in court. "I never meant to inflict any pain."

As part of the sentence, Judge Jennings ordered 100 hours of community service with an alcohol and driving program if possible.

McCurdy was also ordered to pay restitution of $2,675.07 for funeral expenses and her driver's license was suspended for two years.