Fremont official indicted on theft charges


FREMONT –- Fremont’s former parks and recreation director has been indicted by a Sandusky County grand jury on two counts of theft in office.

Marc Glotzbecker, 41, who was named safety-service director in March, is charged in the indictment with stealing six Cedar Point tickets belonging to the city June 15 and with taking $339 from the city last November.

He is to be arraigned at 9 a.m. Nov. 2 before Sandusky County Common Pleas Judge John Dewey.

Seneca County Prosecutor Derek DeVine, a special prosecutor appointed to the case, said in a statement that he would not answer any questions regarding the case.

Mr. Glotzbecker was placed on paid administrative leave Aug. 14 after city Auditor John Lauer raised a number of questions about possible misuse of city funds while Mr. Glotzbecker was head of the parks and recreation department.