2 Toledans sentenced in vehicle carjacking; pair were lookouts in south end heist


Two of four Toledo men found guilty of rob­bery for aid­ing in car­jack­ing a ve­hi­cle were sen­tenced in Lu­cas County Com­mon Pleas Court on Tues­day.

Chris­to­pher Smith, 18, of 852 Col­fax St. and Johna­thon Wil­liams, 18, of 3413 Gi­bral­tar Heights Dr. both pleaded guilty to one count of rob­bery dur­ing an Oct. 19 plea.

Judge Ruth Ann Franks sen­tenced Smith to three years in prison and Wil­liams to five years pro­ba­tion, in­clud­ing six months in the Cor­rec­tional Treat­ment Fa­cil­ity. Judge Franks noted Wil­liams' lack of a record when sen­tenc­ing him.

Smith and Wil­liams were sen­tenced for their roles as look­outs dur­ing the rob­bery of two women at gun­point in the south end. Au­thor­i­ties said co-de­fen­dants Wes­ley Jude had a gun and that Tyquan­dre Car­pen­ter emp­tied the women’s pock­ets be­fore the four es­caped in the vic­tims’ ve­hi­cle.

Po­lice be­gan to chase the ve­hi­cle when it kept go­ing af­ter an at­tempted traf­fic stop near Spen­cer Street and Western Avenue. While in pur­suit, po­lice learned that the car had been sto­len at gun­point at Lodge and Nel­son av­e­nues. The chase ended near East­gate Road and Air­port High­way.

Car­pen­ter, 19, of 1501 Buck­ing­ham St., pleaded guilty Oct. 11 to rob­bery and will be sen­tenced Nov. 8. Jude, 18, of 1436 Ham­il­ton St. pleaded guilty to ag­gra­vated rob­bery with a gun spec­i­fi­ca­tion and fail­ure to com­ply. He will be sen­tenced Mon­day.