Hear­ing set for 2 men in June beat­ing death


MONROE — A pre­trial hear­ing for two men ar­rested for a Mon­roe man’s death in June is set for to­day, au­thor­i­ties said.

Zim­mer­man Pip­pens, 38, and Kevin Oliver, 45, were each charged with open mur­der and man­slaugh­ter in the blud­geon­ing death of Roman Jack­son, ac­cord­ing to Jack Simms, Jr., Mon­roe County chief as­sis­tant pros­e­cut­ing at­tor­ney. Mon­roe County Dis­trict Judge Jack Vi­tale will pre­side at their pre­trial hear­ings.

The vic­tim died June 10, ap­par­ently after be­ing in­jured in a fight.