$10,292 res­ti­tu­tion set in an­i­mal cru­elty case


WOODVILLE — A ru­ral Fre­mont woman charged with 36 counts of an­i­mal cru­elty was placed on pro­ba­tion and or­dered to pay $10,292 in res­ti­tu­tion to the Hu­mane So­ci­ety of San­dusky County.

Su­san Baker pleaded guilty Wed­nes­day in San­dusky County Court to two mis­de­meanor counts of an­i­mal cru­elty. Under a plea agree­ment with pros­e­cu­tors, she is to re­main on ac­tive pro­ba­tion un­til she has re­paid the hu­mane so­ci­ety for vet­er­i­nary bills re­sult­ing from the sei­zure of 36 dogs, three cats, and a cock­a­too from her home on U.S. 6 on July 29, 2011.

San­dusky County Court Judge Her­bert Adams told her she could not ac­quire new an­i­mals while on pro­ba­tion. Ten of the dogs re­main in fos­ter care but now may be adopted, a hu­mane so­ci­ety rep­re­sen­ta­tive said.