6 arrested in suspected East Toledo chop shop operation appear in U.S. District Court


All six of the men arrested last week in a suspected Toledo chop shop operation appeared in U.S. District Court today for probable cause hearings.

The five arrested last Thursday – Michael Wymer, 54; Gary Wymer, 55; Shawn Wymer, 27; Terrance Wymer, Jr., 28, and Michael Deutsch, 37 – all waived hearings, but Robert DeBolt, Jr., 47, who was arrested on Friday, went forward with his.

The suspects were arrested after searches at 2322 Consaul St. in East Toledo, where authorities allege the suspects took rigs and cargo to be dismantled, destroyed, concealed, or altered.

Magistrate Vernelis Armstrong found that probable cause existed for the cases to proceed against all six defendants. They face charges of unlawful transport of stolen property in interstate commerce.

She also ordered that Michael Wymer and Michael Deutsch remain in custody, while the other four were allowed to be released from jail with conditions that included they have no contact with each other or with potential witnesses or victims in the case.

Magistrate Armstrong ordered that Gary Wymer and Shawn Wymer be released on electronic monitoring once the equipment becomes available. Terrance Wymer is to be released once a bed becomes available at COMPASS Corp. for Recovery Services, and Mr. DeBolt was released to the custody of his sister who lives in Woodville.