Ottawa Hills homeowner loses appeal over cleanup


An Ottawa Hills homeowner who has been at odds with the village for years over the condition of her property lost another appeal in her case Friday.

The 6th District Court of Appeals upheld the Toledo Municipal Court’s March 13, 2012, finding that Nasrin Afjeh was in contempt of court for allowing tall grass and weeds to grow on the property and having two vehicles with flat tires in the driveway.

The Afjehs had been ordered by the court in 2005 to clean up their property at 3616 W. Bancroft St.

While Mrs. Afjeh maintained in her appeal that 2005 violations long had since been abated, the appellate court said the 2005 court order still applied as it specifically ordered the Afjehs to “maintain their property in a nuisance-free condition” or be found in contempt of court.