Court upholds rejecting attorney in abuse case


The Ohio 6th District Court of Appeals on Friday upheld a decision by Lucas County Common Pleas Judge Myron Duhart to disqualify the attorney for one of two parents charged with abusing their adopted, developmentally disabled daughter.

Last year, Judge Duhart disqualified Ann Baronas from representing Lee Anne Henry, 59, of 3001 Brock Dr., who is charged with two counts of endangering children. Her husband, Christopher, is charged with one count of endangering children.

Mrs. Henry had been represented by Ms. Baronas, but Judge Duhart found that a serious potential conflict of interest existed because Ms. Baronas previously served as special advocate for former foster children in the Henrys’ care and at least one of the children was a potential witness.

Both of the Henrys’ criminal cases have been on hold pending the outcome of Ms. Baronas’ appeal. She could not be reached for comment Friday.