Ravine Park murder suspects to plead guilty to robbery


Two Toledo men charged in an Oct. 5 homicide at Ravine Park Village are expected to plead guilty to robbery in Lucas County Common Pleas Court.

Andrew Goetz, 29, of 614 Earl St., and Chaz Jackson, 28, of 1158 Clark St., appeared before Judge Frederick McDonald today where Andy Lastra, an assistant Lucas County prosecutor, said written plea agreements had been offered to the two men whereby they would plead guilty to robbery charges.

The pleas would not be entered until after the case of co-defendant Jonathon Johnson, 23, of 1657 Vance St., is concluded, though.

Johnson was indicted in April for aggravated murder, murder, aggravated robbery, felonious assault, carrying a concealed weapon, and illegal possession of a firearm in liquor permit premises stemming from the shooting death of Jonathan Morris, 22, on Oct. 5. Johnson initially was charged with obstructing justice in the case but prosecutors said new information came to light that points to Johnson as the shooter in Mr. Morris’ death.

Judge McDonald scheduled a June 18 pretrial hearing for Goetz and Jackson, at which time he said he would consider reducing their bond.

Johnson’s case was set for trial July 23.