Toledoan pleads guilty to DUI

2 other courts order sentences


BOWLING GREEN — A Toledo man sentenced to prison from two other courts pleaded guilty Monday in Bowling Green Municipal Court to driving under the influence.

Michael C. George, 29, of 122 Dickens Dr. appeared by video from the Wood County jail before Magistrate Tom McDermott, who sentenced him to three days in jail, suspended his driver’s license for six months, ordered him to pay a $600 fine, and placed him on community control for five years.

The jail sentence is to be served concurrently to a 30-month sentence imposed Friday by Wood County Common Pleas Judge Alan Mayberry for failure to comply with the order or signal of a police officer. Judge Mayberry ordered that sentence to be served consecutively to a two-year sentence George received in Richland County Common Pleas Court June 24 for failure to comply and two counts of receiving stolen property from an unrelated 2006 case.

The charges in Wood County stemmed from a Feb. 22 police pursuit that began in Perrysburg Township and ended 23 miles later near Bowling Green.