Toledo man gets 5 years in prison for role in fatal shooting


A Toledo man charged in the shooting death of another man last year pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter today in Lucas County Common Pleas Court.

Danny Kendzierski, 34, of 7 Maygar St., had been indicted on charges of murder and felonious assault for the Dec. 14 shooting death of Lamine Wilson, 32, of Toledo and the wounding of Kenneth Lee, 27, in East Toledo’s Birmingham neighborhood.

But in a plea agreement with prosecutors, he admitted to shooting the men, but said he had arranged to buy drugs from them when they pulled guns on him in a car and tried to rob him.

Judge Frederick McDonald accepted his plea and sentenced him to an agreed-upon term of five years in prison. As part of the plea agreement, Kendizierski also agreed to cooperate with prosecutors on any further investigations.