Rape suspect’s remarks admissible

Southview teen, 15, alone when questioned by police


Statements made by a teenage rape suspect will be admissible in court, a judge ruled Thursday.

Ronnie Wingate, the attorney representing the 15-year-old boy, argued last month in Lucas County Juvenile Court that the teen should have had a parent or lawyer present when he was questioned by Sylvania police Sept. 17.

Judge Connie Zemmelman said that while she agrees that juveniles should have an adult with them, the law states that is not necessary unless a complaint already has been filed in court.

In this case, the complaint was not filed until after the teen, then 14, was questioned. The judge also said the teen was able to initial a Miranda rights waiver without being told where to sign, suggesting he understood what he was doing.

The teen and a 17-year-old co-defendant are accused of raping a 15-year-old girl in a bathroom at Olander Park on Sept. 15. All the parties are students at Southview High School.

The 15-year-old suspect is charged with rape and is scheduled for trial Wednesday. The 17-year-old suspect is charged with rape and kidnapping and is set for trial Nov. 20.