Man gets 22 years in prison for Waterville Twp. death

Adam Anderson
Adam Anderson

A 20-year-old Toledo man was sentenced today to 22 years in prison for his role in a break-in and robbery that left a Waterville Township man dead.

Adam Anderson, 20, of 2436 Fulton St., pleaded guilty May 19 before Lucas County Common Pleas Judge Myron Duhart to involuntary manslaughter and aggravated burglary for the May 18, 2013 shooting death of James Safadi, 34, at his South River Road home.

Anderson admitted he broke into Mr. Safadi’s home through a basement window with co-defendants Phillip Allen, Jr., 23, and James Allen, 19. Anderson said he held Mr. Safadi’s girlfriend at gunpoint while the other two robbed and shot the victim.

The Allens, who are half-brothers, both pleaded guilty to complicity to aggravated murder. Each was sentenced June 4 to life in prison with parole eligibility after 25 years.

A fourth man, Ronald Rooker, 33, who admitted he solicited the three men to rob his neighbor, faces an agreed-upon prison term of 25 years when he is sentenced Tuesday. He pleaded guilty May 19 to complicity to involuntary manslaughter, complicity to aggravated burglary, and complicity to aggravated robbery.