Arsonist sentenced to 6 years in prison


A Toledo man who set fire to a North Toledo home was sentenced Tuesday to six years in prison.

Lucas County Common Pleas Judge James Bates also ordered Andrew Clark, 28, of the 1200 block of St. John Avenue, to pay $2,471 in restitution to the Toledo fire department and to register as an arson offender for the rest of his life.

Clark, who apologized for putting firefighters at risk, was charged with setting seven fires but entered an Alford plea — not admitting guilt — last month to one count of aggravated arson for setting a March 18 fire at 1201 Sherman St.

Nicole Clark, 31, entered an Alford plea to a misdemeanor charge of complicity to arson for pointing out the Sherman Street house to Andrew Clark and telling him to burn it down because she didn’t like the person who lived there. She is to be sentenced Sept. 11.