The Dark Knight continues box office climb to the top

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    The best?

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    " human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

    Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

    With a Friday gross of $67.6 million and massive Saturday and Sunday box offices, The Dark Knight continued its climb toward an all-time motion picture history record.

    TOLEDO'S DARK NIGHT: The Blade's Laura Bennett tracked the opening night buzz at the Franklin Park 16 Cinemas.

    HOW BIG? Media by Numbers has box office estimates, records, actuals, and summer-to-date totals for the latest in the Batman series.

    FIND the big screen trailer, showtimes, the coaster, and the comics. Joker fans: Don't forget your makeup, and check out Heath Ledger wearing his Joker prosthetics without makeup. (KC)

    ANOTHER ELECTION season, another series of Jib-Jab parodies are teed up and ready to go. (RL)

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    MARILYN MANSON meets Mickey Mouse in the world of weird rock fashion. (RL)

    WHAT'S THAT SOUND? The Blade's Ryan E. Smith explores the the pop culture world of popcorn (RL)

    THE DUDE ABIDES in Louisville where they actually they had a festival to celebrate the great cult film classic The Big Lebowski. (RL)

    JUST TWO WEEKS until the Black Keys play Toledo, in case you were wondering. (RL)

    The best?
    The best?

    WE KNOW, WE KNOW, Ohio State has the 'best damn band in the land,' but the coolest bands have capes and tricorn hats. (KC)

    EYE CANDY: See how many of these 19 famous photographs made with Legos you can name. (KC)

    NOTHING CAN STOP the Jonas Brothers, which 15-year-old Nick proves in this interview. (RL)

    MORE new releases on Blu-Ray - lots more. The format war seems over. Long live Blu-Ray. (KC)

    Have some Thin Slice to contribute or comment on?

    Rod Lockwood

    Kevin Cesarz