HAL's DVD pick for weekend: Space Odyssey

  • HAL-s-DVD-pick-for-weekend-Space-Odyssey-2

<a href=2001 A Space Odyssey is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year and even real-life the astronauts acknowledge Stanley Kubrick's genius. " rel="storyimage1" title="HAL-s-DVD-pick-for-weekend-Space-Odyssey.jpg"/>
    (ASSOCIATED PRESS) &lt;br&gt; &lt;a href=&quot; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iyxs0sgJrPk&quot; target=&quot;_blank &quot;&gt;&lt;font color=blue&gt;&lt;b&gt;2001 A Space Odyssey&lt;/font color=blue&gt;&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/a&gt; is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year and even real-life the astronauts acknowledge &lt;b&gt;Stanley Kubrick&lt;/b&gt;'s genius.

    "...as human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

    Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

    Popcorn? Check. Icy cold beverage? Check. Remote control? Check. Shhhhhhh, the movie's starting. Each Friday the Thin Slices staff recommends a DVD you just have to see. Today's DVD pick: HAL? CAN YOU HERE ME, HAL? 2001 A Space Odyssey is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year and even real-life the astronauts acknowledge Stanley Kubrick's genius. It's got a creepy computer, weird symbolism and monkeys. Check it out. (RL)

    LITTLE GREY MEN?: Apollo 14 moon walker Edgar Mitchell claims aliens exist, sort of. Mitchell, who along with Alan Shepard, holds the record for the longest moon walk, at nine hours and 17 minutes, suggests something interesting in a radio interview. Which gets us all fired up for the new The X-Files: I Want to Believe. (KC)

    PETE TOWNSHEND watches Boston Legal? Seriously. (RL)

    BAD BOYS: Ryan E. Smith reviews Step Brothers The latest in a growing series of films that allow us to witness Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly in their underwear. Play the trailer again.

    GOING POSTAL is the Webseries finale of Heroes that concludes Monday. Fans will then just have to hang on until season No. 3 begins September 22 on NBC. The return date features a clip show to get fans familiar with the series and characters again, followed by a two-hour season opening episode. Track your Heroes. (KC)

    A MATTER OF PERSPECTIVE: Michael Hughes' souvenir pictures are fascinating studies in spatial relationships. (RS)

    CAUTION, HOT MIC: 10 celebrities who should have known that the mic was on (in honor of Jesse Jackson). (RS)

    MILEY CYRUS might not be everywhere, but it sure seems like it, and now she's been immortalized in wax as a breathless British museum spokesman makes clear. (RL)

    COULD YOU MAYBE DRIVE A LITTLE FASTER? Race car drivers can be pretty temperamental, as Danica Patrick proves (again) in this throw-down with fellow driver Milka Duno. (RL)

    ANOTHER SHOT AT THE MUSIC BIZ: Paul Westerberg, always a contrarian, releases his new music as one really, long song. Probably not going to see him on American Idol anytime soon. (RL)

    COW TIPPIN' Country star Neal McCoy will push his "Rednecktified" agenda at the Lucas County Fair Saturday so get ready, and look for Brian Dugger's preview story in tomorrow's editions of toledoblade.com. (RL)

    VEGETABLES AND VITAMINS?: Could there be a real Batman. ScientificAmerican.com turned to an associate professor of kinesiology and neuroscience to decide if a real superhero is possible. Now, if you could just make him jailproof. (RS)

    SAY IT AIN'T SHOW, JANET: The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that we must pay attention to Janet Jackson again. The court threw out a $550,000 indecency fine against CBS Corp. for the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show that ended with Janet Jackson s wardrobe malfunction. The Janet Board is eerily quiet at presstime as fans have yet to form their own legal opinions. (KC)

    THE RED CANDY-LIKE BUTTON: Maybe it will drive you crazy, but the big red button is a weird exercise in psychology. Proceed at your own risk. (VR)

    DARK KNIGHT IN IMAX: Find area theaters showing The Dark Knight in IMAX. Digital re-mastering in IMAX starts by converting a 35mm frame into digital form at very high resolution, capturing all the detail from the original. (KC)

    ALTHOUGH WE MUST all wear pants in polite society, these are the songs that provide the inspiration. Songs to Wear Pants To is a site where Andrew makes songs based on your ideas. You went to college for a degree, but Andrew is earning a living crafting songs like I am A Sad Sad Toaster Made Of Glass. (KC)

    With a Friday gross of $67.6 million and massive Saturday and Sunday box offices, The Dark Knight continued its climb toward an all-time motion picture history record.

    TOLEDO'S DARK NIGHT: The Blade's Laura Bennett tracked the opening night buzz at the Franklin Park 16 Cinemas.

    HOW BIG? Media by Numbers has box office estimates, records, actuals, and summer-to-date totals for the latest in the Batman series.

    FIND the big screen trailer, showtimes, the coaster, and the comics. Joker fans: Don't forget your makeup, and check out Heath Ledger wearing his Joker prosthetics without makeup. (KC)

    ANOTHER ELECTION season, another series of Jib-Jab parodies are teed up and ready to go. (RL)

    SPORTS CELEBS are, yawn, just like the rest of us if Eli Manning's wedding photos are any indication. (RL)

    AT LEAST ONE CRITIC is not impressed with Katie Holmes' decision to appear on the ABC series Eli Stone. (RL)

    MARILYN MANSON meets Mickey Mouse in the world of weird rock fashion. (RL)

    WHAT'S THAT SOUND? The Blade's Ryan E. Smith explores the the pop culture world of popcorn (RL)

    THE DUDE ABIDES in Louisville where they actually they had a festival to celebrate the great cult film classic The Big Lebowski. (RL)

    JUST TWO WEEKS until the Black Keys play Toledo, in case you were wondering. (RL)

    WE KNOW, WE KNOW, Ohio State has the 'best damn band in the land,' but the coolest bands have capes and tricorn hats. (KC)

    EYE CANDY: See how many of these 19 famous photographs made with Legos you can name. (KC)

    NOTHING CAN STOP the Jonas Brothers, which 15-year-old Nick proves in this interview. (RL)

    MORE new releases on Blu-Ray - lots more. The format war seems over. Long live Blu-Ray. (KC)

    Have some Thin Slices to contribute or comment on?

    Rod Lockwood

    Kevin Cesarz