Holmes haircut hotter than sauna world championship

  • Holmes-haircut-hotter-than-sauna-world-championship-2

  • <b>X17</b> has photos of <a href=Katie Holmes' new hairdo. " rel="storyimage1" title="Holmes-haircut-hotter-than-sauna-world-championship.jpg"/>
    &lt;b&gt;X17&lt;/b&gt; has photos of &lt;a href=&quot; http://x17online.com/celebrities/katie_holmes/katies_new_do_front_to_back-04012008.php&quot; target=&quot;_blank &quot;&gt;&lt;b&gt;Katie Holmes' new hairdo&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.

    "...as human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

    Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

    NEW 'DO: X17 has photos of Katie Holmes' new hairdo. Find our favorite classic Katie 'dos and sweaty-running-the-New-York-City-marathon 'do. (KC)

    OLYMPICS BAH: You want real athletes? Go to the Sauna World Championship. Leila Kulin sweated her way to the Women's title with a time of 5:22 minutes. "I could do 5:22 in a sauna," you say. In a 'contest' sauna? (KC)

    BAD JUJU: Top 10 pop culture curses: everything from The Dark Knight to Madden video games. (RS)

    ACID SOUNDS: A Protein Primer: A Musical Introduction to Protein Structure takes 20 amino acids and assigns them to a musical scale. Music samples are produced from protein and DNA sequences using software to give you the sounds of a Beta Globin and a Blue cone receptor? (KC)

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