Do Alaska's Palin, Clyde's Burkin have talent? We'll find out

  • Sarah-Paling

    <a href="" target="_blank "><font color=blue><b>Sarah Palin</font color=blue></b></a> is John McCain's pick for vice-president.

    Al Grillo / AP

  • <a href=Sarah Palin is John McCain's pick for vice-president." rel="storyimage1" title="Sarah-Paling.jpg"/>
    &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank &quot;&gt;&lt;font color=blue&gt;&lt;b&gt;Sarah Palin&lt;/font color=blue&gt;&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/a&gt; is John McCain's pick for vice-president.

    " human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

    Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

    WAY OUT THERE: She was a point guard and captain for the Wasilla High (Alaska) Warriors who earned the nickname "Sarah Barracuda"

    because of her intense play. She hunts, eats moose burgers, ice fishes, rides snowmobiles, and owns a float plane. She was a first runner-up in the Miss Alaska beauty pageant. And Sarah Palin is now John McCain's pick for vice-president. (KC)

    WATCH OUT FOR THE BATON: Who's got more talent than Clyde's Jonathon Burkin? Check out the competition. Figure skaters beware. He has a baton and he's not afraid to use it. (KC)

    PEAS FOR OBAMA: Outspoken Wil.I.Am of Black Eyed Peas speaks, sings for Sen. Barack Obama. (KC)

    RUDY!!! RUDY!!!: This weekend's Thin Slices DVD pick celebrates one of the greatest weekends of the year: the beginning of college football season. It's when walk-ons have a chance to realize their dreams, especially when teams like Ohio State and Michigan play patsies like Youngstown State or Appalachian State. Oops. Forget that latter reference. And what better way to kick off the season with a viewing of the inspirational, Rudy, which was based on the real-life story of Dan Ruettiger. (RL)

    TIME TO PLEDGE: Shawn Johnson will lead the Pledge of Allegiance tonight at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. She'll play it straight - a double salto with a half twist is not planned. (KC)

    DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH: Neil Diamond tells fans "please give me a few days to figure out a way to make it up to you" after a raspy show in Columbus on Monday. (KC)

    WE'RE NOT TALKING SPLIT ENDS: Kate Hudson is in trouble over allegedly stealing trade secrets for her new line of hair products. (RL)

    WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS: Of course we are. In everything!!!!! Not really, but we've got the best swimmer in the world, the best basketball team and the best air guitar player. (RL)

    NOT TO BE SNARKY OR ANYTHING: But doesn't this new feature from the folks at NPR look awfully familiar? You know, a Web site devoted to news of pop culture, like Rainn Wilson's Rocker flop and American Idol? The Thin Slices staff is OK with that, of course. The more the merrier, we say. (RL)

    UH-OH: Paula Abdul's not happy. The addition of another judge, Kara DioGuardi on American Idol has the occasionally confused Abdul lamenting the possibility of tie votes on the now four-person panel, noting that she'll have to take wait-and-see approach to these ch-ch-changes on the biggest TV show on the planet. (RL)

    MADONNA'S AT IT AGAIN: Somehow it's not surprising that Madonna is not a big John McCain supporter. It's even less shocking that she's causing controversy. Here's the latest from the never-ending fount of Madonna hijinks. (RL)

    Nine Inch Nails vocalist Trent Reznor performs during a concert.
    Nine Inch Nails vocalist Trent Reznor performs during a concert.

    WHAT, YOU GOT A HOLE IN YOUR HEAD?: Nine Inch Nails is in Toledo tonight, bringing Trent Reznor's dark vibe, ferocious and brutal rock and roll, and a live show that rivals Pink Floyd's in surreal imagery. It's at the Seagate Centre and a taste of what the band has to offer -- and free music -- is available at the band's cool Web site Dave Yonke of The Blade previewed the show yesterday. Look for a review Tuesday morning at (RL)

    YOU CAN RELAX NOW: An Australian doctorate student has come up with an award-winning plan to prevent an asteroid from slamming into the earth. Her work should prevent heroic astronauts like these from going off and saving the world from humongous rocks and extinction, too. (RS)

    Rod Lockwood

    Kevin Cesarz


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