Barbra Streisand headlines Kennedy Center honorees


" human beings we are capable of making sense of situations based on the thinnest slice of experience."

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink and The Tipping Point.

DIVAS, ROCKERS, AND DANCERS: The annual Kennedy Center honors celebration Sunday brought out everyone from Beyonce to Garth Brooks to pay tribute to Barbra Streisand, Morgan Freeman, Twyla Tharp, The Who, and George Jones. Imagine what it was like backstage when The Who's Pete Townshend and Babs huddled. The show will air Dec. 30. (RL)

MEET THE NEW BOSS: NBC announced Sunday that the new chief interrogator of Meet the Press will be David Gregory, who combines old school journalism cred with an understanding of the ubiquitous 24-hour news cycle. The Washington Post fills in some of the details, like did you know Gregory is 6-foot-5? He is. (RL)

WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND: Remember when women wore tights and called them leggings and then threw in some high-heeled shoes and that was fashion? Well, thanks to Lindsay Lohan, they're back, and selling like crazy. (RL)

MULTIMEDIA: Check out Holiday Turkey Tips

Rod Lockwood


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